From June 2017, Nová síť has launched a new startup organization section. New organizations now have the first year to explore the outlines of their cooperation and to get acquainted with the opportunities offered by networking.

We are looking forward to working with

The main activity of this association is to revitalise space through artistic projects, to organise cultural events for general public, to connect different directions of art, and to involve students and graduates in these activities. The association creates its own original projects that are based primarily on the Genius loci of the site.

Since 2015, this society has been aiming to save the technical monument of the coal and water tower in Vratislavice nad Nisou. It first opened the tower to the public in 2016, its aim being to protect it as an important monument of the Liberec region and to transform it into a cultural centre focused on exhibitions, crafts and art.
Contact: Jitka Jakubičková,,

The BuranTeatr theatre has been active on the Brno independent theatre scene since 2005. Besides the lines of traditional and modern drama productions, which are often created in the form of a devised theatre, in recent years they have been trying to create, cooperate and establish contacts in the fields of movement theatre, new theatre and border theatre forms. In addition to its own theatrical production, it hosts and organises other cultural and social activities (workshops, exhibitions, residential stays, shared fridge initiative, etc.). In 2011, BuranTeatr was ranked 3rd in the Alfred Radok Theatre of the Year Award, and in 2014 it received the Mark Ravenhill Award for the performance Létající dítě.
Contact: Klaudia Klembarová,,

Centrum kultury a vzdělávání Blatná
Centrum kultury a vzdělávání Blatná (CKVB) administers and runs the city museum, library, cinema, a community centre with a programme for people of all ages, as well as the city information centre. The CKVB also organises separate cultural events such as music and photo festivals, exhibitions, student festivals, etc. CKVB was founded in January 2012 and is a non-profit organisation co-financed by the town of Blatná.
Contact: Michaela Sikorová,,

Vzbuďme Vary
This association wakes up Karlovy Vary’s culture from lethargy and encourages creativity in the local cultural space. The fact that Vzbuďme Vary does not have its own space is perceived as a constraint as well as a dramaturgical challenge. The association is interested in the specificity of Karlovy Vary spa area and of other places in Karlovy Vary. Since 2015, the site has been organising artistic events and shows (dance, theatre, music, art projects), creative workshops, discussions and think tanks.
Contact: Tereza Dvořáková,

Industry STAGE
INDUSTRA is an independent metropolitan idea space that was created by transforming 1800 square meters of industrial halls into a space linking art (gallery, theatre), design (studio), technology and innovation (manufacturing co-work, incubator).

It is focused on professional performances from areas outside Brno and also from abroad, mainly drama, alternative, dance and movement production. A permanent resident programme not only for Brno’s independent theatre scene.
Contact: Kristýna Břečková,,

Farmstudio / Vysoká
Physical and mental space for live art and culture located in a historic farmhouse in Vysoká na Kokořínsku. In addition to its own programme, Farmstudio provides facilities for creative stays, symposiums, plenary sessions, and courses for artists, musicians and performers. Activities in the field of cultural heritage protection, ergotherapy and alternative lifestyle form an integral part of the project.
Contact: Pavel Matela,,

Fujaré / Rožnov pod Radhoštěm
This creative, dramaturgical-production unit was established in 2016, and since then it has been happily active in Rožnov pod Radhoštěm. We organise cultural events, music festival Hlasy, lectures and debates, workshops, interventions in public spaces, and happenings. Fujaré is a civic activity, Fujaré means fun, Fujaré is interested in the world. Culture - civil society - festivities.
Contact: Honza Petružela,,

Jelení SKOK production group / Velvary
Jelení SKOK production group is an association that focuses on two main areas, developing regional culture and community projects in Velvary and the surrounding area, and also production activities for the Osamělí písničkáři free association founded by Jan Burian in 2002. The association cooperates closely with Velvary, the Velvarská Kostka cultural-education and free time centre, DS Scéna Kralupy, Velvary municipal museum and the Tomáš Vosolsobě Gallery in Velvary.
Contact: Kateřina Špičková,

Naplaveno, z.s. / Stružinec in Jistebnická vrchovina nature reserve
Naplaveno association aims to support cultural activities in the Jistebnicko region. It organizes theatre performances, concerts, seminars, and brings traditions back to life. It focuses on mutual dialogue; it connects local people with city inhabitants. It offers residential space for artists. Naplaveno is located in a small village called Stružinec that offers a cottage, a barn with a theatre stage, a caravan, a workshop, and large meadows in the beautiful countryside as spaces to work, relax, and forget about city noise.
Contact: Karolína Plachá,,

Spolek Zlínský Zvěřinec / Zlín
Zvěřinec is an association of natives from the Zlín region where it also organises community-cultural events and, in the future, it plans to create a cultural institution as a centre for meetings, personal development, educating and artistic self-realisation of local people.
Contact: Jan Tomšů,,

Tančírna v Račím údolí / Javorník
Tančírna (The Dancing House) is an Art Nouveau building based in the Račí údolí valley, located in the Rychlebské mountains area. It is a cultural institution that organises concerts, readings, theatre and cooperates in the realisation of the Czech-German site-specific festival „V centru/Im Zentrum“.
Contact: Zdeňka Morávková,,

Theatrum Kuks / Kuks
Theatrum Kuks organises a Baroque and Baroque-inspired multi-genre art festival of the same name in the Kuks area and its surroundings. It draws on the tradition of Kuks as a musical, theatre and artistic centre of European significance. Through its festivals, residences, workshops and other projects, it returns live art into this area and stimulates interdisciplinary meetings. In particular, it aims to ignite young artists’ interest in the Baroque and its overlaps into modern art.
Contact: Kateřina Bohadlová,, +420 777 566 572,